Earl September

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I write what ever comes to mind. Real is me and my views/opinion. Be Yourself, be REAL Open-minded young South African who loves to follow South African politics and social issues. I try not to limit myself as I'm capable of more than where I'm now.

Friday 2 September 2016

Metrorail requires all aboard

For more than three years now I’ve built a [at times rocky] relationship with Metrorail and the past nearly two years I’ve been privileged to be a pilot project of the current Regional Manager by being a SQM: giving me not only direct access to all HODs and the WC Regional Manager [with a regular f2f meeting] but also direct contact with Prasa GCEO and the Minister.

I’m privy to information that don’t reach staff on platforms and get to share complaints from the vandalized carriages with the big bosses. I’m privy to see the hardwork – that goes unrecognized – by numerous Prasa employees. How those with families work throughout the night in the severe weather conditions to fix the rails and others offer up family time to ensure no commuter is left behind with major delays.

Yes Prasa has been on a roller-coaster thanks to mismanagement and they remain in the ICU. While Security seems to be on a delayed train, Communication is Metrorail’s biggest challenge and unity their biggest problem.
Daily I attempt to address issues, knowing not all can be resolved at the speed or way I want it to.
I’ve got the pleasure to get to learn hardworking, dedicated, committed, loyal individuals. I’ve engaged with managers who will admit not all staff deserve a star on the forehead and those who don’t should be reported. But while addressing the one crisis after the other the past two years, Metrorail had to keep trains moving. This despite so many arson and daily vandalism incidents, that led to cancellations.

No matter how critical the service, not once did Metrorail’s management even consider suspending the service. I recall one chat with the RM where he said even if he must drive the train himself, trains will operate – because that is Metrorail’s core function, to operate trains.

Sadly – and mainly because they lack the information I am privy to – commuters show little respect, empathy, understanding towards Metrorail.
Blaming the current management for (1) rail not receiving attention and (2) delivering a first class service with limited resources, is wrong of us.

Yes the service is far from what we deserve but I cannot recall one occasion where the Regional Manager shifted the blame. He takes the punches thrown at his staff and responsibility for every single commuter, even if they don’t feel this is what happens.
One person cannot be everywhere and do everything, but I’ve gotten to know the Regional Manager as someone who want to know what is happening on the platforms and trains. He is one of the very few senior managers who take train to work and regularly take a train undercover on other lines. This he does to assess the service for himself and compare reports to his own experience.

Yes the service is far from what we deserve and I cannot see the end of the tunnel. What I do know is that Metrorail – despite what many might think – cannot turn-around, but won’t derail either. They still on the track, going forward however will require all hands on deck. With commuters becoming stakeholders by playing an active role and to report suspicious incidents.