Earl September

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I write what ever comes to mind. Real is me and my views/opinion. Be Yourself, be REAL Open-minded young South African who loves to follow South African politics and social issues. I try not to limit myself as I'm capable of more than where I'm now.

Monday 13 January 2014

MY goal in life

A new academic year starts this week. Wait......!!!! we call it school year.
It’s also one with a new challenge, entering a new environment if you new on the grounds. If you lucky you the new teacher, if not it means you grade 8 or R, or at a new school.
I still remember my first school day, similar to what you see these days for our grade R and grade 1 learners, just in my day we called it pre-primary and sub A. The fear of starting something new was again with me when I started standard 4 (now it’s known as grade 6) at a new school and then came high school with all the standard 6 (grade 8)-kids going through orientation – miraculously I survived this. If you ask me how, I guess it is true “it’s who you know and not what you know”. Five years later the fear of a new start was on my door step again, after completing my high school career I went on to a tertiary institution.
Some of us when we young and others still in their twenties are unsure of our purpose in life and where you heading and we thus feel as if our life is on autopilot, taking each day as it comes, falling into a routine.
This might be the case but the bible teaches us God has a purpose for each one of us. Our fingerprints and DNA are proof that God created us each unique with a talent. In Isaiah we read “God called me before my birth, when I was in my mother’s womb he called me on my name” and 1 Corinthians 12 tells us God has a task for each one of us.
Throughout our school career we meet and greet teachers some of them busy with their hobby trying their best to teach us the quality of life, others try and do their job.  Even they don’t realize the impact they have on our lives.
During a teacher strike a few years ago, I made the statement “instead of our teachers being on the streets protesting which is a good option but they might not get the increase or being paid for that time, they could have been in the classrooms educating our learners to become better leaders looking after their followers.”
It is important to always try and inspire, motivate and encourage a person, someone once told me “the fruit of your harvest you might not see today or in a year but someday could even be after you left earth your motivation, inspiration or encouragement to that person will bear the fruit.”
Through all these phases that so many go through annually at whatever stage I went through there’s one thing that motivated me, MY goal in life!

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